主要研究方向为烟气多污染物协同治理、挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)的控制、重金属(Hg, As等)的形态分析及其污染控制、固体废旧材料的资源化利用研究等。目前,在ES&T、CEJ、JHM、JC等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,获授权发明专利2项。主持和参与国家自然科学基金等科研项目多项。山东省科技厅在库专家,广东省科技厅在库专家,国家自然科学基金项目专家库评审专家,兼任ES&T、Advanced Functional Materials等期刊的特邀审稿人。
E-mail: zhuucai@sdu.edu.cn
办公地址:山东省青岛市滨海路72号 山东大学青岛校区会文北楼C栋
⟡重金属(Hg, As,Sb等)的形态分析及其污染控制;
1. 担任Environmental Science & Technology、Advanced Functional Materials期刊的审稿人,
2. 国家自然科学基金函评专家,
3. 教育部学位论文评审专家,
4. 山东省科技厅在库专家,广东省科技厅在库专家。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2024年-2026年,主持,在研
2. 山东大学科研启动经费,2023年-2025年,主持,在研
3. 山东大学大型仪器公共技术平台仪器设备能力提升项目,2024-2026,主持,在研
4. 山东省博士后创新项目基金,2024年-2026年,主持,在研
2013 第七届全国大学生化工设计竞赛华北赛区一等奖、全国二等奖
1. Zhu, Y.; Han, X.*; Huang, Z.; Hou, Y.; Guo, Y.; Wu, M.*, Superior activity of CeO2 modified V2O5/AC catalyst for mercury removal at low temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 337, 741-749.
2. Zhu, Y.; Hou, Y.; Wang, J.; Guo, Y.; Huang, Z.*; Han, X.*, Effect of SCR Atmosphere on the Removal of Hg0 by a V2O5–CeO2/AC Catalyst at Low Temperature. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (9), 5521-5527.
3. Zhu, Y.; Li, C.*; Lyu, Y.; Li, S.*; Zhang, Y.; Du, X.; Zhai, Y., Insight into the effect of SO2 on the Hg0 removal performance over a 1V-8Ce/AC sorbent at low temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 402, 123502.
4. Zhu, Y.; Li, C.*; Liang, C.; Yang, K.; Li, S.*; Ma, Y.; Zeng, Y.; Du, X.; Zhai, Y., Regulating CeO2 morphologies on the catalytic oxidation of toluene at lower temperature: A study of the structure–activity relationship. Journal of Catalysis 2023,418,151-162.
5. Zhu, Y.; Li, C.*; Liu, X.; Zhang, Y; Yang, K.; Huang, L.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, Z., Cobalt-doped cerium dioxide enhances interfacial synergistic catalysis for boosting the oxidation of toluene. Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 328, 124993.
6. Cheng, J., Zheng, C., Xu, K., Zhu, Y.*, Song, Y., Jing, C. Sequential separation of critical metals from lithium-ion batteries based on deep eutectic solvent and electrodeposition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 465, 133157.
7. Chen, Yu., Chen, P., Qin, Z., Jing, C., Zhu, Y.*, Liu R. 2D Cobalt-carbon–nitrogen loaded 3D Prussian blue analogues enhances peroxymonosulfate activation for bisphenol A Degradation: Singlet oxygen dominated nonradical pathway. Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 347, 127636
8. Dong, C. (本科生), Liu, C., Qin, Z., Deng, J., Zhu, Y.*. A comprehensive overview of decommissioned lithium-ion battery recycling: Towards green and economical. Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 354, 128929